Managing a low income and tight household finances can greatly affect your health and overall well-being. The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) offers free federal support to help supplement your diet with nutritious food. In this guide, we’ll explore how TEFAP works, eligibility requirements, the application process, and how it may impact any other benefits you’re receiving

What is the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)?
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federally funded program that provides states with USDA foods and supporting financial funds. It is aimed at low income households suffering financially.
The foundation of the program relies on the US government purchasing food from local farmers and growers to then give to low income homes for free. Over the years the program has expanded to include food donated by private individuals as well as privately purchased items. The result is a highly diverse food bank for local residents.
💡 Did you know? If you are a US resident over 60, you can also access the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP). This scheme provides you with free USDA foods to help supplement and diversify your diet. In addition, you may also be interested in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) which provides food stamps to low-income households.
Who qualifies for TEFAP?
While TEFAP is funded at a federal level, it is administered at a state level. This is important because it means that the income thresholds you have to pass will vary from one state to the next.
At the time of writing, there are two criteria for TEFAP eligibility:
- Your household income needs to be below 130% of the current poverty level based on the number of people living at your property. It’s really important to note that this figure is just the most common across the 50 states, with each state reserving the right to adjust the level as they see fit
- Any household that currently qualifies for SNAP will be automatically accepted for a place on TEFAP once an application has been submitted
👉 The application process is designed to be simple and streamlined so that those in the greatest need can get support and help with minimal delay.
How do I apply for TEFAP today?
You can click here to apply for TEFAP online in just a couple of minutes. As part of the application process you will need to:
- Confirm your identity and list everyone else who lives with you, regardless of their age
- Provide proof of income in the form of a pay slip, or in the form of any benefits statements you may have
- Commit to notifying TEFAP of any changes in your circumstances: residency, employment status, household income, number of financial dependents, etc.
You will be redirected to the specific provider for your state. This will ensure that the correct poverty level is applied to your individual application. They will also provide guidance on how to receive the food in your local area. Some jurisdictions offer a home delivery option while others operate community food banks.
Accessing TEFAP alongside other benefits
TEFAP is designed to provide additional assistance to those in the greatest need and is fully compatible with any other benefits you may be receiving. Even if you are already in receipt of help via SNAP, you can still apply for TEFAP without delay.
There is no shame in reaching out for the help and assistance you are entitled to when you are in genuine need. Think of it as another step on the road to getting back to where you want to be and you will be able to take pride in the process.
👉 If your application is rejected for any reason, we highly recommend calling 211 to discuss other forms of emergency food assistance. By getting highly localized support at a state level, you will be able to understand your options and get what you need to sustainably feed your family.
Ensuring Access to Essential Food Through TEFAP
When you join TEFAP you can benefit from the program for as long as you continue to meet the income threshold dictated by your state of residence. The program is designed to make sure that a low income never results in poor physical and mental health as a result of a restricted diet. Reaching out for help at the earliest opportunity ensures that you can turn things around with the minimum amount of stress.
1. How long can I use TEFAP?
The program will be open for as long as you meet the thresholds applied within your state of residence. It is refunded every 5 years as part of the federal budget process.
2. Why does TEFAP offer free food?
The government recognizes that low-income households face restrictions on the types and quality of food they can afford. TEFAP is designed to balance things out and provide every citizen with access to a varied, healthy, and nutrient-rich diet.
3. What are the USDA food pantry income guidelines?
The guidelines vary from state to state to reflect the economic conditions within each geographic area. The average value across the nation is a household income of less than 130% of the current poverty level.