Supplementing Your Diet with TEFAP
Discover how to apply for TEFAP online and receive support with your household groceries, ensuring access to essential food assistance.
Supplementing Your Diet with TEFAP
Discover how to apply for TEFAP online and receive support with your household groceries, ensuring access to essential food assistance.
Pay Back Owed Taxes Easily with IRS Fresh Start
IRS Fresh Start can help you or your business reduce your pending tax debt. Read our article to understand the program and learn how to apply.
Additional State Benefits through the California YCTC
The California Young Tax Credit is a state-owned initiative supporting low-income families with children with stipends. Read our guide to learn how it works.
A Nutritional Lifeline: All About the Special Milk Program
The Special Milk Program is a government initiative that provides milk to low-income school children. Find out more about this program and how to apply here.
Unlocking Nutritional Security: A Look at the Commodity Supplemental Food Program
Discover the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), providing free food to eligible individuals, fighting food insecurity & improving well-being.
How To Participate in the Restaurant Meals Program
The Restaurant Meals Program allows eligible Americans to use their SNAP benefits to purchase hot meals from selected restaurants. Find out more here.
Summer Food Service Program: Free Meals for Your Kids
The Summer Food Service Program provides free and nutritious meals to children and teens from low-income households when schools are closed for the summer.
Lifeline Program: Expanding Access to Technology
The Lifeline Program provides low-income households with free or discounted phone and internet services. Find out more about this program and stay connected.
Free School Meals Programs: A Lifeline for Children Living in Poverty
Free school meal programs are specially designed to provide free and low-cost meals to children from low-income households in the US.
Supplemental Security Income: Financial Assistance When Living on a Tight Budget
The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a benefit provided to low-income households and people with disabilities. Find out how you can claim these payments.
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